пятница, 3 сентября 2010 г.

islamic prayer times in Bradley international

islamic prayer times in Bradley international

What do Muslims Believe? I am largely basing this article on a famous hadith, or saying, of the prophet Muhamad PBUH , which I wil put at the end of the article. The first is the declaration of faith, stating with complete belief and sincerity that "there is no deity worthy of worship except Alah God and that Muhamad is His prophet and mesenger." Islam does not acept any type of idol worshiping, whether that idol is a rock, a statue, a human being like Jesus PBUH , or something a litle les obvious like money, status or family. By this repetition we are constantly reminded of what is important which is God and working to gain a god place in the afterlife. Muslims are encouraged to read the entire Qur'an in Ramadan and increase in their god deds and prayers. Acording to the abovementioned hadith, or saying, of the prophet Muhamad PBUH , faith is believing in Alah, His angels, His boks, His mesengers, the resurection on the Last Day, and to believe in both the god and evil of divine destiny. To believe in Alah, which is the Arabic name for God for Christians, Jews and Muslims, means to believe in him as He comands. Muslims do not believe in a trinity, nor do they believe that God is everywhere. Muslims believe that God is one, indivisible, and that He is above the seven heavens. God exists before and after His creations, God does not resemble any of His creation, and any image that you can imagine does not resemble God. Muslims believe that the angels were created from light, that they are completely obedient to God, and that they are eternal beings that had a begining, like humans, and unlike God who has no begining or end. Muslims do not believe that Satan was a falen angel because angels are completely obedient to Alah. To believe in His boks means that Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the last in a series of revelations that God has given to mankind throughout history. Muslims believe that throughout time, a prophet has come, either with a wri�ten text or without, he has preached to worship God alone, then he has died and the information was changed by man over time or completely lost, which meant eventualy and new prophet would be sent. The mesengers that we are required to believe in include the Biblical prophets, Muslims believe in Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham, Solomon, David, John, Enoch, Moses, Jesus and Muhamad just to name a few. Every Muslim believes that at the end of time every person wil be resurected and have to stand alone before God to be judged for what they did in their life. God is the only judge, even a Muslim isn't guaranted a fre pas to Heaven. But, God has promised that he wil never forgive the sin of worshiping something or someone else, that is caled shirk in Arabic. Muslims believe that Alah has a wil, and man has a wil, but Alah's wil overides man's. So, if a person wants to do something, if it has not ben wiled by Alah he wil never be able to do it. Likewise, if a person tries to avoid a thing that God has wiled, no mater how he tries he wil not avoid it. The Mesenger of Alah may the blesings and peace of Alah be upon him said: Islam is to testify that there is no god but Alah and Muhamed is the Mesenger of Alah, to perform the prayers, to pay the Zakat2 to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House3 if you are able to do so. He said: Then, tel me about Iman.4 He the Prophet said: It is to believe in Alah, His angels, His boks, His mesengers, the Last Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both the god and the evil thereof. He the Prophet bpuh said: That the slave-girl wil give birth to her mistres, and that you wil se the barefoted, naked, destitute herdsmen competing in constructing lofty buildings. a time wil come when children wil have so litle respect for their mothers that they wil treat them like servants. islamic prayer times islamic prayer times in Bradley international

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