суббота, 15 декабря 2007 г.

The best are described 10 and known the express train-diets

The best are described 10 and known the express train-diets
For anybody not a secret, that fast and effective diets put(render) harm to an organism, than advantage(benefit) more. Therefore during a diet try to accept polyvitamins in tablets, supplement a diet zaryadkoj and massage.
Fine means for massage the delayed ground coffee will approach(suit): at acceptance of a shower dip fingers in ground coffee and start to pound coffee on a body: from tips of fingers on legs(foots) up to a neck - circular movements. Why from below upwards - because limfatok flows from tips of fingers of legs(foots) up to a stomach(belly). Wash off the rests of coffee water. Such massage promotes improvement of blood circulation and reduction of a cellulitis.
I personally very much like the Ukrainian diet - a borshch in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening, and at night a boiled beet:). Cook borshchik-лайт - in boiling water throw the cut beet, begins to boil, throw the cut carrots, begins to boil, throw the cut sweet pepper and tomatoes, begins to boil, and throw the cut cabbage, greens, begins to boil and switch off. It is possible to put a beef low-fat, but do not put a potato. And now eat as soon as will feel feeling of famine, how many want times and at any time. Simply except for a borshch the farinaceous foods are possible only vegetables, fruit, but not sweet and not. The effect is reached(achieved) owing to a beet which contains biooozes which in turn splits fats. Bon appetit!
Why so important to adhere nizkokallorijnoj to a diet and playing sports?
The substances acting from an environment serve in an alive cell(cage) as the basic energy sources, - carbohydrates (sugar), fibers, the fats split during digestion before more simple connections. These connections enter reaction with oxygen and are oxidized up to water and carbonic gas. Thus energy is liberated. The typical quantity(amount) of liberated energy makes 20 000 Dzh on 1 g carbohydrates. Almost twice more than chemical energy on 1 g it is reserved in fat of animals.
C6 H12 O6 (the formula of glucose) + 6 O6 = 6 CO2 (carbonic gas) + 6 H2O (water) + 686 kcal - however sugar on air is quite steady.
Energy, which should be informed in addition to chemical system "to start" reaction, refers to as energy of activation for the given reaction. In nekataliziruemykh reactions by an energy source of activation collisions between molecules serve. Therefore so playing sports at which there is an allocation of energy due to splitting fats and carbohydrates are important. Playing sports act in a role of the catalyst.
10. Diet Klaudii Slate (it(she) a diet of models). 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Term: two-rub(-three) days. Growing thin on 3-5 kg.
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9. A diet of doctor Sajkova 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Diet of doctor Sajkova, it(she) Larissa Dolinoj's diet. A minus of 4-5 kg a week.
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8. The Hollywood diet 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
To become a star it is possible for 18 days, having dumped(reset) from 7 up to 12 kg. Three standard six-day cycles successively - hunger-strike at a level of elementary maintenance of physiological functions.
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7. A diet with grechkoj. 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Cheap but good. It is promised 7—12 kilo in a minus for two weeks.
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6. A soup diet 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
5-8 kgs for a week.
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5. The French diet 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Two weeks, minus of 6-8 kg. As well as at other diets, it is necessary to adhere to very strict schedule. It is necessary to exclude absolutely salt, sugar, alcohol, bread and other flour products. The menu in no event cannot be changed, differently nothing will turn out,
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4. A dairy diet 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Two-rub(-three) days, as a last resort about five days. The diet is calculated on a conclusion of a superfluous liquid from an organism, disposal of hypostases and bags under eyes. Loss of weight - 3—4 kg. The author - French dietician Karrel.
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3. A diet air 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
For 7 days. The result - kg simply would depart.
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2. The Japanese diet 18.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Promises activization of a metabolism. Necessarily strictly to follow the instruction.
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1. A diet of an angel 17.07.03
Section: Problems of a cellulitis: 10 popular diets
Two weeks - a minus 7-8 kilo. After the uttermost is promised besplotnost. If by an outcome of the second week the back will be combed, know, are wings are cut.
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